Boehner, Chris Christie, and Obama’s Image

Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die;

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

Boehner starts second speaker term vowing end to one-on-one meetings with Obama

Yea….there is no point in mano y mano meetings whatsoever with him.

You can’t believe anything Obama says so what is the point. In essence, I think he has been mocking everyone one way or another. Some realize it and still some don’t, but I think you know now he is untrustworthy and a liar. Took me a while too. I did not vote for him but was willing to accept him as President and followed along until I realized he stinks.

Benghazi was the ultimate warning for me that he was bad.

When I supported Barack it was about:

Do unto others as you would do unto them and gay marriage. Not because I like sodomy but because of the heart of a homosexual and their right to express it. It was a tough issue for me being straight but then it occurred to me that it cannot hurt marriages of straight people whatsoever unless they let it. Where they get married is a struggle for them but at least they can express it where they can or where it is available. Sodomy is not just physical. It’s screwing the people, your neighbor, your own friends with bull…. like Nancy Pelosi getting people to take ObamaCare with out reading it.

 Abortion also was a struggle for me because of my past and what happens to girls in our society and other societies because of many factors. I love babies, although it took me a while to appreciate them in my life. Until you have one of your own you can’t even begin to know how special they are and how hard they are to raise but when my sister had hers I began to understand.  I weighed in on the issue because of the election and because I noticed that we are ambushed within. The protests in one state (Ohio, I think) about right to life and the failure of their mission although the success of their mission because of the members within their coalition who were actually against right to life by their “all or nothing” approach, which basically leads to nothing accomplished and nothing gained. Compromise would have been advisable in this situation but instead the baby was tossed out with the bath water.

Knowing when to compromise and when not to compromise would be helpful.

The Fiscal cliff debacle seems to have been a landmark in nonsense, but it was frustatingly interesting to see how some reacted to it like Paul Ryan warning about the ABYSS. Abyss is mentioned in the bible in Revelations and he knows it. He is afraid of it…..I think. How the financial state of the US became a fiscal cliff seems evident by the junk sown into bills such as the one that passed in the House of Reps and in the Senate and I was impressed by the no’s that voted, but will check the list of names who voted no.

Boehner voted yes, Cantor voted no. That I do know.

I am thankful Nancy Pelosi is off her pulpit.

She was gnawing like a fingernail on a chalk board.

Diplomacy is compromise and it seems to be what politicians do best and worst but to the detriment of our finances in our government and to the detriment of the people that supposedly they represent except for the few that had their pet projects sown in and hidden in between the bread – kind of like the gospels. I don’t think Obama compromised too much but the Republicans did. With the spending limit or spending mountain I think it is time for the Republicans and Democrats to hold the line this time.

One good way would be to dismantle the ObamaCare and it’s mandate. Stand behind Ted Cruz and make it happen. That’s a bunch of money most states don’t want to spend nor need nor do most doctors or patients or businesses. It is an abomination and Obamas attempt for more power to be able to physically and fiscally hurt more americans, their businesses, and jobs. That would save a lot of spending and people and save a lot of head aches.

Has any President asked for unlimited spending ever? That’s like giving a 2 year old a credit card. It is unreasonable and ridiculous. Don’t give him anything.

It is time to hold the line.

It wouldn’t hurt for every place that money goes in our system to give up 10% of what they normally get and cut instead where they can. Let each of these places figure it out and give them 10% less. I’m sure they can handle it themselves. That would help. Ear mark that 10% and put that 10% to the deficit including the military immediately on thew debt to sub-stantially decrease the debt. The military should not have to take the brunt of the cuts but I’m sure they can find 10% in their excessive spending and cut in the right places to keep enough power. It would be impossible for any branch of government to have to figure it out for all the places money goes so let the places it goes figure it out. I’m pretty positive they will do a better job of it since they know their own business. And it might have some inequality in the cuts but there was inequality in the bloating. It is just the way it is.

Education can do the same. It is not rocket science. Their judgement in their cuts will reflect upon them so hopefully they will do it right.

10% pay cut to members of the House, Senate and the President, CIA, Fema, Secret Service, FBI etc, and all those beneath would help too.

10% cut in spending to every place that spending goes.

10% across the board.

Be an example to the people.

As far as Christie in New Jersey why are you not ashamed of the pork that slowed this bill down? Why don’t you complain about that? How about Fema? Why did you not deal with their lack of performance? How about Obama, Why did you not deal with him and his lack of performance? Because he gave you a photo-op? He used you and you used him.  Same to most everyone involved in this disaster and yet the people had to suffer for it. Obama’s arm on your shoulders, or his dry weeping, or putting a green ribbon on a desk in the Oval Office is unreasonable faith. It’s like watching  Georg Ganswein and other priests or whatever they imagine themselves to be adjusting the robes of Pope Benedict, utterly gross.

Chris Christie drops bomb on GOP leaders

Charles Krauthammer: Larger Sandy Relief Bill Was ‘Rape Of The Treasury’ (VIDEO)

There is a lot of blame to go around on both sides of the aisle.

The democrats have taken the game to record lows what else can the republicans do but do the same, but it is time to do what is good for America on both sides of the aisle.

Don’t raise the ceiling. Don’t give the Egyptians any money. Don’t give Obama an inch to move and do his evil. Get rid of ObamaCare cuz he doesn’t care! Don’t even try to dis arm Americans. Obviously all the pork and other expenditures are being funneled to the wrong places to aid and abet his agenda and those that are with him.

Listen to advice from Sean Hannity:

(Listen to the second interview about Bobby Schmuck who is a personal aid to Obama.
Can it be any plainer that Obama is mocking everyone even to people who have lost everything? Is that love?)
Another example of mocking:

FLASHBACK: Obama: I Will NOT Take Your Guns Away

NRA should not meet with Biden. It is pointless. Their word is meaningless so why bother dealing with Biden or Obama. The majority of the press is on their side and will lie also. Their word is meaningless. They create the crises and want us to disarm. Ignore the White House and their slaves.

White House weighs broad gun-control agenda in wake of Newtown shootings

He is a fruitcake which reminds me of another post called:

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

which might help you to understand his frame of mind. My estimation is he doesn’t have a frame of mind because he’s all over the place or his mind has been had and was taken over by something way out on a limb somewhere between here and there.

Maybe it was Gollum that took Obama over because Obama couldn’t resist hobnobbing with a bunch of crackpots. Something happened along the way and it was not good.


If you don’t set an example the people will have to settle it in April

and everyone will lose lots more.

And don’t blow off and skirt the massacre in Benghazi.

There was a reason that it happened and purposefully avoiding that reason and obfuscating the crisis and it’s meaning is stupid and asinine

which I believe is what the “Fiscal Cliff/Abyss” was all about.


Don’t ignore the coincidences as if people don’t die so Obama can vacation in Hawaii and pander the military such as the opportune death and funeral of Inouye while most deaths overseas in military deaths are suicides, or what happened in Arizona to Gabrielle Gifford’s and others nearby who were important too but largely ignored and then going to Newtown (she’s being used), Fast and Furious, or Newtown, or Sandy, or Hillary’s fall. They are related. Whether they are democrats or republicans, black, white, or asian, indian, christian, or not they are being affected in harmful ways for an image or an appearance to benefit and protect Obama’s image and his demonic power.

These are not coincidences and ignoring them is insane.

Accountability needs to be applied to him and his murdering bandits.

Obama is using you and abusing you and you need to confront him, make him confront it and investigate him and Biden, Panetta, and all their mob ties and obviously the Vatican in regards to Benghazi.

Will GOP Block CIA Pick Over Libya?


“After Obama nominates John Brennan for CIA director, Sen. Lindsay Graham calls for a delay, saying no one should be confirmed ‘until our questions are answered’ about the deadly consulate attack in Benghazi.”

Here is another thing that maybe everyone has forgotten:

Obama to astronauts: Unpack robot in space soon

“All right,” the president said,

“well, let him stretch his legs pretty soon.”

Something about “stretching his legs” and “a robot in space” may be involved. 
This was said when Obama was first in office I think when everyone was clueless of his intentions.
something to think about.

And don’t eat or drink whatever might be poisoning you by a particular drug in any form such as the one that renders the person a slave and in the control of a demonic power.

I’m talking about Devil’s breath

which I think is affecting all of you in many ways in Washington.

I think that may be partially what is causing Supplicity in Washington DC.


in your party or in the other party or on any committee, even family

because they may be under the influence.

Who you serve is also affecting you.

Read the Gospel of John and learn it. It will help you!

You can read my comparisons of the gospels which might help on the sites

listed at the bottom.

Boehner promises Republicans he’ll fight Obama over debt ceiling

The Education of John Boehner

 Turn around is fair play …

do unto him what he did unto you.

No more spending and cut Obama Care

and investigate Benghazi!

Then watch Sean Hannity on Jan 6th to open your eyes and have each state get special committees of accountants/IRS agents to find out about each of the pork spending in each of the bills passed in the last 4 years and see if the money was spent and how it was spent and to whom it went and account for it and hold accountable the people that stole it or funneled it elsewhere and figure out where it was funneled to and go after them. I believe there are a multitude of actors and charletons funneling money to foreign countries and entities that want to destroy us.

It cannot be that hard to do.

Then start cutting taxes again for business and the people who are struggling. Destroy the debt tickers in the cities.
Mute and silence the Treasury Department. When they the supporters of Obama or the press try to talk to you about the economy just say:
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” That ought to control the conversation. It is futile to talk to Obama and his followers….they went over the cliff a while ago they just did not perceive it. (a mental cliff)
Take back that 800 billion dollars in new taxes that Obama stole.

Impeach Obama and send him to France

to replace Gerard Depardieu

as a gift of friendship.

Get him a ticket to Notre Dame in Paris to the Courtyard of the Gentiles so he can stretch his legs in their wide open space.

Better yet if he is still in Hawaii don’t let him come back to the mainland. 🙂



Blue Skies

Eye of a Needle

The Drawbridge

The Keep

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

This entry was posted in Abomination of Desolation, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Benghazi, Bible, Bible Prophecy, Biden, Boehner, Cantor, Chris Christie, CIA, Georg Ganswein, House of Representatives, ObamaCare, Panetta, Pelosi, Pope Benedict, Senate, Synoptic Gospels, Ted Cruz, The Great Deception, Uncategorized, US Ambassador to Libya, US Politics, Vatican and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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